Tech Help for You - Now through 8.28Take Advantage of Remote, Free One-on-One Tech Help with Montgomery County COVID-Corps! now to 28th, 2020
Sign UpTwo Part Workshop on Anti-Racism for VillagesLast month, eighty villages leaders responded to a survey about their thoughts on racism, identity and how can villages be involved with anti-racism work. The responses spanned a wide gamut and reflected a diversity of views and needs within the village movement in the County. As an outcome of this survey, IMPACT of Silver Spring has partnered with me to offer you a two part workshop. Please see their invitation below: IMPACT Silver Spring, we believe in the power of transforming yourself to transform the world. Join us for a two part workshop on Tuesday, September 8th and Monday, September 14th, 1:00-2:30 p.m. We’ll introduce you to a framework called Block-Build-Be. You will explore different pathways to effectively work towards anti racist efforts in your community. This workshop is intended for those who want to slow down and take a more holistic approach in addressing racism with an emphasis on the inner awareness needed for outwards action. We have limited capacity so we are limiting it to people who are currently active in their village. Please RSVP by September 1, 2020. RegisterMini Conference on Villages in the Time of COVID Tuesday, 9.15.20, 1:00-4:30pmThank you to those who have already registered to the mini-conference on villages in the time of COVID-19. We have confirmed our keynote speaker: Dr. K. Eric DeJonge, MD, Executive Director of the MedStar House Call Program and Director of Geriatrics at MedStar Washington. He will review practical recommendations for our villages moving forward. The mini-conference is free and open to anyone. Please share this invitation with your networks. If your village has successfully implemented new processes, services, or programs. Please contact me asap so I can assign you to one of the following discussion groups:
1:00-2:00 Keynote speech 2:00-2:15 Break 2:15-3:15 Concurrent breakout sessions (three) 3:15-3:30 Break 3:30-4:30 Concurrent breakout sessions (three) RegisterDon't Forget: Register to Vote by MailCovid-19 has dramatically impacted our everyday lives and has certainly had an impact on the way we vote. During our primary election in June, the state of Maryland instituted a mail-in voting system, in which over 95% of Marylanders sent their ballots in by mail. For the election on November 3, mail-in ballots will not automatically be mailed to all registered voters. With the election less than 85 days away, I encourage you to complete your vote-by-mail / absentee ballot application ASAP by following this link: Maryland State Board of Elections RegisterWAVE meetings: 8.17.20 and 9.21.20, 10:00-11:30Washington Area Villages Exchange (WAVE)* is planning two excellent meetings. The one on 8.17 will focus on villages' adaptaiton to COVID 19 reality. The one on 9.21 will likely focus on anti-racism. Please RSVP with Cele Garrett. RSVPCongratulations fo North Bethesda VillageNorth Bethesda Village planning group has become a formal nonprofit organization last month. They are working on offering events and planning their services. COVID-19 did not slow them down! Please let your friends and neighbors who live in the 20852 zip code about this new village. Read More This newsletter is produced by Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services. Village Coordinator: Pazit Aviv – [email protected] Visit montgomerycountymd.gov/village for more information. Other Village ProgramsFrom Bethesda Metro Area Village:
Authors Karetta Hubbard and Molly Best Tinsley, Tuesday, August 18, 10 am. Hubbard and Tinsley, co-authors of Satan’s Chamber, will talk about researching their spy thriller set in Sudan. From Potomac Community Village: This coming week, on Thursday, August 20, at 2 pm, we are offering a program where participants are invited to share one object that has meaning to them and to briefly talk about it (sort of like grown-up Show and Tell). Free and open to all; those interested are asked to register in advance by contacting the Help Desk at 240-221-1370 or at [email protected] no later than Thursday, August 20 at 11 am, and we will send them the Zoom link. The following week, we have a program on Wed., August 26, 4 - 5:30 pm, also free and open to all. Local historian Ralph Buglass will be talking about segregated schools in Montgomery County, prior to the Brown v Board of Education Supreme Court decision in 1954, and what happened in the period after that court decision. Nowadays, we tend to forget that Maryland was very much a Southern state in that time period, and that schools throughout the state were segregated. This program is hosted by Potomac Community Village in a partnership with the Potomac Library. The county library system notes that for security reasons, this program session will be locked 5 minutes after it begins. Please log in promptly. Join us in Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/92077641860 Or Dial In: ( 301) 715 8592; Meeting ID: 920 7764 1860 From Friendship Heights Neighbors Village Monet & More, Monday, August 24, 2:00 pm. France was the center of the art world in the 18th and 19th centuries. The National Gallery has some of its finest works. Estelle Quain, a National Gallery docent and FHNN member, will lead us on a Zoom tour of some of the best from that collection. It will be Estelle’s encore after her American Stories presentation – which received rave reviews. RSVP to [email protected] and include “Monet” in the subject line. We will send you the Zoom link. From Little Falls Village Everything You Always Wanted to Know About the FTC But Were Afraid to Ask, with Barry Cutler, former Director of the FTC’s Consumer Protection Bureau DATE: Wednesday, August 26, 1:00 – 2:30 pm Note that this Zoom event will be locked at 1:05 pm, due to library security policy. After the event is locked at 1:05 pm, entry into the event will not be possible. It is therefore important that you log into this event on time. RSVP: CLICK ON THIS LINK TO REGISTER www.littlefallsvillage.org/FTC This is a new registration process, and is very easy to do, just follow the prompts, including searching for your name if you have registered for a prior LFV Speaker Event. If you have any difficulties with the new registration process, email [email protected] or leave a message at the LFV office (301) 320-3267. When leaving a VM or email, include your email and street address in the message. Please register at least a day prior to the event. To request Sign Language Interpretation, Closed Caption or other deaf/hard of hearing services for library-sponsored programs, email [email protected] preferably with three business days’ notice. |
April 2023