Nonprofit Montgomery Budget Advocacy The FY22 Operating Budget approved Thursday has good news for nonprofits and the people we serve. In addition to new funding for Consolidated Service Hubs, safety net health clinics, and housing, the budget includes increases in nonprofit contracts. Nonprofit Montgomery strongly advocated for a 3% increase in base budget contracts in all departments. Base budget contracts may extend over multiple years without cost of living increases, which can be harmful to nonprofits as costs increase each year. We are so pleased that the FY22 Operating Budget includes:
Read our full advocacy alert here. Share your covid-impact story We are highlighting nonprofit stories of covid impact on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, and asking everyone to share their own stories under the "More Essential than Ever" banner. We are featuring as many Nonprofit Montgomery member stories on our website. Add your story here! Acknowledging Juneteenth - June 19th Juneteenth, observed on June 19th, is the celebration of when many enslaved Blacks received word that they had been freed. Our friends at Nonprofit Prince George's County acknowledges this day as a Day of Remembrance/Service and created this pdf with background, call to action, and more. Employee Retention Credit 20-21: Do you qualify? Last December the Taxpayer Certainty and Disaster Tax Relief Act was signed into law. This provided further stimulus and support for businesses affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Click here for more information. Food Council Upcoming Virtual Training Data Privacy and Confidentiality Requirements for Food Assistance Providers June 24, 2021, 10:00am In this virtual training session, you will learn about rules governing privacy and confidentiality and how to comply with these requirements when you collect, store, and process data about the clients you serve. Co-hosted via Zoom call by the Montgomery County Food Council and the Montgomery Department of Health and Human Services. Click here to register. Grants & Funding Opportunities Community Care Corps
Request for Proposals (RFP) for innovative local models in which volunteers assist family caregivers or directly assist older adults or adults with disabilities with non-medical care to maintain their independence Request for Applications (RFA) in its COVID-19 Response The Maryland Department of Health (MDH, or the State, or the Department), Minority Health and Health Disparities (MHHD) is issuing this Request for Applications (RFA) in its COVID-19 response to fund community based organizations to implement strategies aimed to identify, outreach, and vaccinate disadvantaged, vulnerable, underserved, and hard-to-reach populations. Click here for more information. State Relief Funds for Nonprofits The MD Department of Housing and Community Development announced a new $20 million in state relief funds for nonprofits. The funds are allocated by the General Assembly as part of the Maryland COVID-19 Recovery Act. $3,475,000 is allocated to Montgomery County. The grants will be administered by the Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation (MCEDC) by September. Click here for more information. Job Opportunities Non-profit Montgomery: Program & Membership Director Gaithersburg Beloved Community Initiative: Executive Director PEP (Parent Encouragement Program): Director of Development and Marketing Manager Manna Food Center: Program Coordinator Interfaith Works: multiple openings Brand and Content Manager Director of Development Director of Finance Foundation & Corporate Relations Manager Manager of Community & Individual Giving Carpe Diem Arts: Executive Director Greater Washington Community Foundation: AmeriCorps VISTA So What Else: Assistant Director, Youth Development Programs (part time) Round House Theatre: Development Officer, Individual & Corporate Giving Identity, Inc.: multiple openings Bilingual Mental Health Therapist Spanish and English GED Instructor Case Manager Youth Development Specialist Comments are closed.
April 2023